TFT Breakdown: Early Comps
Deciding on a comp is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision that you will make throughout the game. Teamwork makes the dream work as they say and it directly applies to every game of TFT you queue up for. To help “deconstruct” this idea we will begin with your early team comp
First, let’s define what “early comp” means. Your early comp is the units that you are using between levels three and five. This comp will usually consist of some combination of one and two cost units with the occasional three cost that will tie everything together. To create this comp, you should use whatever it is that the game has shown you and should refrain from re-rolling at all cost (Yes, I know the trade sector galaxy is a thing. Stop trying to judge me. I will fight you.). Your goal with this comp is to establish an economy and to get more units and items so that you are able to transition into a late game comp with ease.
Regardless of anything else, in the early game stats mean everything. If you have multiple two star units with no synergies YOU WILL beat a comp with multiple synergies that are using one star units. Do not overvalue a synergy over straight power. It is a trap. There are outliers and exceptions to everything, but this general rule of thumb will serve you well across the vast majority of your games. I would also suggest taking a look at the metadata and popular comps that exist. They will show you multiple early game comps that you can be on the lookout for and will help you better understand what a powerful early comp looks like.